At our core, we are a community of friends and neighbors. Many of us cared for loved ones at home, witnessed the transition from life to death, and experienced the tenderness of home burials. 

It was after one of these heartfelt moments that one of the founders of Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery in Gainesville, spoke to us about the benefits of natural burials. His words resonated, igniting a shared mission to extend this profound connection with nature to our greater region. 

With hearts filled with compassion and a steadfast commitment to preserving the land, we came together to bring the gift of natural burial to our beloved community and beyond.

We found land in northeast Leon County we thought would be perfect. Little did we know how special it is. A quick tour showed a rare Oak-Hickory hammock, matriarch Live Oaks, a small creek, and some unusual wildflowers. The land is teeming with life. There’s a high area in the center, perfect for the Conservation Cemetery. 

Within 2 days, we were able to raise $10,000 by asking 20 people to donate $500 each - our Hickory Preserve Pioneers – And so this vision became real. 

We’ve worked with the seller to secure time to raise the remaining funds. We have until October 2024 to raise $1.7 million to buy the 99-acres. We can do this! We are a 501(c)3 IRS non-profit. We have a Conservation Cemetery Committee working to create a natural burial space here in Leon County. 

Volunteers do the work of educating and fundraising. We know we can protect this land and create a sacred space for all of us.

Today, we invite you to join us. Donate joyfully. Pass this website to your friends and neighbors and through your social media channels. Sign up for our updates. Contact us to get more involved. Make this happen here.

Please donate here